The Canadian Institute for Enneagram Studies, a not-for-profit and social business organization, was created with the vision of contributing to the encouragement and support of conscious awareness in human relationships – with each other and with ourselves. The CIES aims to focus on the wholeness of who we are, inclusive of our differing perspectives, at once recognizing and operating from community and individual unity and, as our name implies, making the Enneagram a central tool in supporting that work.
The CIES offers both private, individual sessions and group workshops. Director, Dr. Penny Whillans researches and writes about the Enneagram applications in work and life, and is available to speak at conferences and events.
Click on the following areas for more specific CIES information:
- Speaking and Workshop Topics
- Administration
- Workshops, Training and Conferences*
- Professional Development and Continuing Education
- Personal Growth and Awareness
- Spiritual Development
- Director: Dr. Penny Whillans
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Note: To reach Dr. Whillans’ professional website, please click on this link:
(* updated: 4 Sep 2019)