General Personal Growth and Exploration
These workshops vary in length from one to five days, and provide a safe opportunity to explore your own personality and the dynamics of your personality structure. They vary in the degree of depth of information that is explored. Introductory workshops provide information and exploration on the basic personality types and are open to everyone who wishes to become personally familiar with the Enneagram of personality types. The intermediate and more advanced workshops explore more in depth material. Participation in these latter workshops requires previous attendance at one of the two-day introductory workshops.
For People with Chronic Pain and/or Illness
This workshop is for people who have a basic introductory knowledge of the Enneagram, and who experience long-term pain and/ or illness. Your personality’s reaction to these chronic conditions is reviewed such that you can have a greater understanding of how you can sometimes become stuck in feeling ‘blue’ and helpless, and how you may sometimes increase your pain intensity. Emphasis is placed on how you may live a personally satisfying life.